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The Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture. Vol. 15, No. 2, 2023

A Study on Seon Master Go-Woo’s Biography and Seon Thought
고우스님의 생애와 선사상 연구
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2023;15(2):1-30.
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A Study on the Problems of the First Tea Cultivated Land of Daeryeom(大廉) and the First Cultivation of Korean Tea at Hwaeomsa Temple in Mt. Jiri
‘대렴의 차 시배지’ 주장의 문제점과 지리산 화엄사의 ‘한국 차 첫 재배지’ 고찰
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2023;15(2):31-62.
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Study on the Ethical Structure of Buddhism and the Philosophy of Respecting Life - Focused on the Causes of Conflicts in the Middle East
불교윤리 구조와 생명존중 사상의 고찰 - 중동국가의 분쟁원인을 중심으로
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2023;15(2):63-106.
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Changes in Perception of Templestay after COVID-19 through Big Data Analysis
빅데이터 분석을 통한 코로나 19 이후 템플스테이에 대한 인식 변화
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2023;15(2):107-132.
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Effects of the Temple Stay Program for Pre-Retirees: Focusing on Retirement Anxiety, Retirement Preparation, and Life Satisfaction
예비은퇴자의 템플스테이 프로그램의 효과: 노후불안, 노후준비, 삶의 만족도를 중심으로
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2023;15(2):133-162.
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Changes in Religious Environment and Response Strategies in the Post-COVID-19 Era
포스트코로나시대의 종교환경변화와 대응전략
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2023;15(2):163-199.
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A Research on the Perceptions of Lay Buddhists on the Future of the Sangha and Buddhism in Korea
승가 및 한국불교의 미래에 관한 재가불자들의 인식 연구
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2023;15(2):200-236.
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