Most Cited Articles

Military Activity of Great Monk Seosan-daesa and Memorial Project for Him in the Late-Joseon Dynasty
서산대사의 승군활동과 조선후기 추념사업
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:221-254.
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Jinul's Awakenings and His Practice
지눌의 깨달음과 수행
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2010;2:195-244.
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The Characteristics and Its Status of Buddhist Painting of Queen Munjeong Period
문정왕후(文定王后) 시기 불화(佛畵)의 특징과 그 위상
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2018;10(2):220-271.
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A Study on the Path of Buddhism Social Movement in the Age of Globalization and Polarization
세계화·양극화 시대, 불교사회운동의 진로 모색
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2018;10(1):93-130.
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Buddhists Do not Bother : The Current Situation of Buddhist Student Organizations and Their Reproductive Narrative in University’s Competitive Religious Environment
“불교는 강요하지 않잖아요”: 대학 내 경쟁적 종교 환경 내에서 불교학생회의 현황과 재생산 내러티브
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2019;11(2):93-123.
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A Study on the Effectiveness of Mourning through the 49 Day Funeral Ceremony : Focus on Middle-aged Women's Parental Bereavement
49재의 애도 효과성에 대한 질적 연구 : 중년여성의 부모사별 사례를 중심으로
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2019;11(2):124-151.
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Aspects of the Age of Intermittent Pandemics and the Buddhist Alternatives
간헐적 팬데믹 시대의 양상과 불교의 대안
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2020;12(1):1-31.
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COVID-19, Religion, and ‘After Corona’ Society
COVID-19, 종교, 그리고 ‘코로나 이후’ 사회
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2020;12(1):32-66.
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The Present and Future Prospects of the Buddhist Temple: Focused on the Public Opinion Poll of Buddhist Lay
사찰의 현재와 미래 인식에 대한 재가자 기초 조사
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2022;14(1):30-72.
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The Crisis of Korean Buddhism and Its Response
한국불교 위기와 미래지향적 대응:
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2022;14(2):1-29.
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Contemplation on Legacy of Jajang(慈藏) Hwaeom of Hwaeomsa Temple
화엄사 창건 이후 연기의 자장계 화엄 전승과 변천 과정 고찰
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2023;15(1):1-28.
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On Buddha: as Cosmic Fact and Mind's Mentality
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:11-42.
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A View on Buddhakāyas in the Avataṃsaka Sūtra
『화엄경』에 나타난 불타관
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:43-83.
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The Formation and Development of the view on Buddha of Esoteric Buddhism
밀교적 불타관의 형성과 전개
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:85-109.
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The Idea of Buddha in Buddhist Art: Buddha Images
불교미술에서 보는 붓다관(觀): 불상
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:111-147.
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The Faith of Buddhism Illuminated through the Development of Views on Buddha
불타관의 발달사를 통해서 본 불교신앙
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:149-180.
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The Buddhakāya of the Lotus Sūtra
『법화경』의 불타관
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:181-219.
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'Another' leisure trend in Korea: focused on Buddhist leisure
한국사회의 ‘또 하나의’ 여가 트랜드
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:255-281.
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Buddhism and the Challenges of the 21st Century
21세기의 도전들에 대한 불교적 대응방안
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:283-306.
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초기불교 교단사의 재구성
J. Buddh. Thought Cult. 2009;1:307-315.
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